How to unlock creativity in yourself

Unlock Your Creativity: 7 Effective Ways to Boost Creative Thinking

The combination of intelligence and imagination is called creativity. Making pictures, making music, thinking new ideas are all forms of creativity. Creativity is like muscles, if you exercise and eat protein, your muscles will get better. Similarly, the more you use your mind and intelligence, the more creative you will be.

You can unlock your creativity by changing some special habits and traits. Let us know 7 such ways in which you can unlock your creativity.

Try again and again

What cannot be done by trying. Everything is possible for those who try. If you want to become the best and creative photographer, then you kept trying, now you will definitely become. If people from different fields study and practice in their field, then they can become creative in their field. An average student can clear the toughest exam if he/she studies consistently.

Get experience

It is possible that you do not know how to do any work, then there is no shame in it. You start doing it without thinking whether you will do it or not. If nothing else, you will get to experience it, then next time you will definitely be able to do it. The more you do that work, the more you will experience it, due to which you will be able to do it creatively in the future.


Most of the people are not able to work on their planning consistently. They leave gaps in between due to which their experience gets spoilt and their work also becomes time consuming. Then people stop working. To be successful or creative in something, keep working on it continuously.

To boost creativity solve the problem yourself

If you want to bring creativity inside you, then find a solution to any problem alone, do not depend on others. The more you think and find solutions to problems, the more creative you become. Before doing any work, use your mind in that how it can be done more easily. Find solutions to complex to complex problems. Don’t keep calm until the problems are solved. Find solutions to such problems which have not been solved till date. This will enhance creativity in you.

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Don’t be afraid to lose

If you want to do some work in a creative way, if it is not happening then do not give up. Keep trying, keep hope that it will definitely happen. The more you try, the more you will become expert in it. Even if people make fun of you, do not break your trust in yourself. The same people will clap for you one day. Keep yourself motivated and continue your work.

Be hardworking

Nothing can be achieved without hard work. Confidence will not come in you until you do it by working hard for yourself. Do not search for shortcuts in the beginning, one day you will become expert, you will start seeing shortcuts on your own. First everyone does hard work, later they do smart after having experience. After having experience, the way of doing smart work starts appearing automatically.

Always keep learning

Never stop learning. Always kept learning something or the other. Never hold back in asking people questions. The more you ask questions, the more you will learn. Learning by asking is easier than reading a book. This will also make you practical. You should not lag behind in reading the book as well. You should also keep reading the book.

Some other resource : 5 ways to improve your creative thinking


Old people used to believe that creativity is innate, but it is not so. Any person can become creative by motivating himself. It is necessary to be hardworking for this. Never stop asking questions and always keep learning. Read the book, it will teach you what your friends cannot teach you. Do not hold back in finding solutions to the most difficult problems. Learn about growth mindset…

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