5 Reasons why have a growth mindset

5 Reasons why have a growth mindset

A brain is the only thing that separates humans from other animals. It is necessary to have a growth mindset to live a good life. If the mindset is not better then your life growth will also not be better. You will learn 5 Reasons why have a growth mindset that will change your life. Today we see beautiful vehicles, houses, roads, clothes and ornaments all around us. These things are the product of someone’s mind. Machines have made our life so easy. This machine is the product of someone’s brain. If someone had accepted that iron cannot fly in the sky, then there would be no airplanes today. This is all a game of mindset.

People of two mindsets live in this world. One is the one who believes in talent. They believe that only those who have talent can do any special work. Those who do not have talent from birth cannot do much. Being trapped in this mindset, they do not try to do anything big. They think this is not my cup of tea .This cannot happen to me. If someone has done it, then it is said that only he can do it because he is intelligent. Such people have been kept in the category of people with fixed mindset. People who are of fixed mindset keep their thinking limited. Such people choose a fixed life. And stuck in a small lifestyle.

If a man is not very smart but is hardworking and ready for tomorrow. Such a person never loses. If they lose today, they will surely win tomorrow. They do not believe in any innate talent. They believe only on their own strength. If they do not have any necessary skills, then these people learn. These people belongs from growth mindset. All the people who are very successful in their life have a growth mindset. Those people did not rely on any innate talent, rather they relied on their hard work.

To move forward in your life

Suppose you have a clothing store in a city. In which you have invested a considerable amount of capital. Customers come to your shop and buy clothes. Inflation is increasing day by day. And your sale is fixed because the customer is fixed. You cannot give discount as you have to pay rent which has already increased. Now if you start selling clothes online. So you can sell online to as many people as possible. But for this you have to go online. Now you are sitting with the shop and do not want to change yourself. What will happen then, you will go into loss and one day your clothes shop will be closed. It is very important to change with time. You can do a lot with your growth mindset. Just keep learning and keep moving forward.

Generation gap disappeared

Nowadays generation gap has become a big problem. The younger ones don’t listen to the elders. The reason is that even elders do not understand their feelings. Those who are older in age think that younger people should listen to them. This generation gap is due to not being updated. So keep yourself updated, everyone will listen to you. It’s an easy job, not a big deal either. Sit and talk among yourselves and listen to each other. All problem will be solved. Growth mindset can eliminate the generation gap.

To stay updated

Today the world is changing so fast that if you do not stay updated then you will be left behind. If you are thinking that it will not make any difference then you are wrong. There will be a difference and soon the difference will also be seen. If you want to earn more money then learn new skills. Old skills are now getting outdated. After a few days, therefore will be no importance of old skills. Everything is getting digitalized very fast. Keep yourself updated with technology.

To adopt new changes

There are some people who learn a skill and think that’s it. Life will pass easily because of this .But it is not like this, if you want to move forward then you have to keep learning. Nowadays even in companies such a person is searched who is of growth mindset. Who can learn new technology quickly and help the company move forward. People who are of fixed mindset, they can take promotion only up to a limit. But see the interview of the CEO of a company, then it is known that how far the work is behind and where the world has reached. Adopt new technology as soon as possible. Move with time and not with your old thinking. If you stop learning, your thinking will automatically go on becoming old.

To be leaders

Every company searches for leadership quality before giving job in the company. This is a very important quality along with your skills. You may be expert in some skills, but many times due to lack of leadership quality, you are not able to get a job. To become a leader in your field, it is very important to have a growth mindset .If it is not so, then you will be left as a joke. People will not respect you, on the contrary, they will only make fun of you. To be on top in any field, it is necessary to have a growth mindset. Otherwise you will remain average.


Growth mindset means a person who keeps learning something or the other. Such a person gets multiple talents because of continuous learning. That’s why they stay ahead in every field. The demand of such people remains everywhere. They do not rely on innate talent but rely on their hard work. Some people rely on innate talent. That’s why they don’t learn new skills. Due to which they remain average. It is very important to keep learning to progress in life and be happy. Keep a growth mindset, you will be profitable. Learn more about mindset.

FAQs Regarding Growth Mindset

What is the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset?

Ans – Those who believe in learning are of growth mindset and those who believe in innate talent are of fixed mindset.

Can I become a growth mindset?

Ans – Yes, If you start learning new skills and understand that something can be learned, then you can become a person of growth mindset.

What kind of mindset should be kept growth or fixed?

Ans – It is right to have a growth mindset. The world is changing, if you stick to a fixed mindset, you will be left behind.

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